George McCarthy, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

George W. McCarthy, President and Chief Executive Officer, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Dr. George “Mac” McCarthy is president and CEO of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  The Lincoln Institute strives to improve public dialogue and decisions about land policy through research, training and technical assistance that integrate theory and practice.

Before joining the Lincoln Institute in 2014, Mac directed Metropolitan Opportunity at the Ford Foundation which sought to alleviate poverty and reduce its concentration in metropolitan areas by providing disadvantaged people better access to good jobs and other opportunities through coordinated transportation planning and affordable housing development.

Mac also worked as a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Urban and Regional Studies at the University of North Carolina, a professor of Economics at Bard College, Resident Scholar at the Jerome Levy Economics Institute, Visiting Scholar and Member of the High Table at King's College of Cambridge University, Visiting Scholar at the University of Naples, and Research Associate at the Centre for Social Research in St. Petersburg, Russia.