Rachel Hatch, Institute for the Future

Rachel Hatch, Chief Operating Officer
Institute for the Future (IFTF)

As COO, Rachel Hatch returns to IFTF after five years of work in philanthropy, where she was selected for Council on Foundations’ Career Pathways program. While working at a private philanthropic foundation, she led community vitality grantmaking and grant-seeking efforts, engaging in public-private partnerships to garner place-based investments from California’s Strategic Growth Council, Caltrans, Housing and Community Development, and the California Energy Commission; as well as New Markets Tax Credit funding from CDFIs and CDEs.

Previously, Rachel served on IFTF’s leadership team and was a research director, working with a wide range of corporate, government, philanthropic, and nonprofit clients. She is the author of Museum 2040: Citizen Artists & the New Economy (American Alliance of Museums), co-author of Hack Your Way to a Better Future (Forbes), and a featured speaker for “Forecasting Four Alternative Futures for California,” hosted by the California Research Bureau. As is fitting, her first research project at IFTF, in 2008, was The Future of Giving, a ten-year forecast about philanthropy.

Rachel serves on the board of directors for California Humanities and holds masters degrees from Trinity College Dublin and Yale Divinity School.